mandag 10. oktober 2011

Day 8

this weekend i spent time reading other peoples blogs about IVF and their experiences. reading about other people’s experiences makes me realize that i am fortunate for living in Norway.

fortunate because of the economic aspect of getting treatment to get pregnant. one of the biggest stressors that couples face while struggling to get pregnant and needing infertility treatment is, “how are we going to pay for this?”

in norway we get up to three free fresh IVF cycles and as many frozen transfers as you have good and healthy eggs for. hence, the treatment itself is free. we pay for the medicines but can get almost 2/3 refunded by the government. after paying taxes for many years i feel it is OK to be on the receiving end.

how does it work in your country?

Some of the blogs i read this week end:

ivf girl
our road called ivf
infertility blog

crazy lady ramblings

torsdag 6. oktober 2011

Day 4

this blog is still so fresh that i don't know if anyone has found it yet. i haven't done anything to be found either as i write to monitor my own process and journey. but i don't mind if someone finds it, on the contrary. 

people are different about what they share and talk about. Some doesn't like to share that they undergo IVF treatment and others like me don't mind. If someone who doesn't feel comfortable to talk about it can find comfort in reading what other people write then i'd be glad to contribute. 

also, i like reading what other people write about this subject, learn other perspectives and hear what other people think about the IVF process. I hope both writing and reading will help me when i get my down moments which i am sure are bound to happen sooner or later.

although so far so good. I keep spraying my nostrils every morning and every noght before i go to bed.

onsdag 5. oktober 2011

Day 2 and 3

Day two went horrible. I spent the whole day at work with stomach ache, dizziness and nausea. I had to pick up my daughter at kindergarten and somehow got the two of us home. Finally at home i rigged myself in the sofa with ten children books and read my way through the afternoon until my husband came home. Had one glass of water and went to bed. I felt terrible. And i actually told my husband that if this was going to be my state during this process we might just have our one child.

Just as i went to bed it suddenly dawned on me that perhaps i had gotten the stomach flu that has been going around at my work. This morning, on day three, that was confirmed. Usually i would not be happy for finding out that i have the stomach flu, but today i was. Happy that the stomach ache was not a result of the hormones because honestly, i don’t think i would have lasted very long.

That has made me ask myself: am i prepared enough for all this? Was i really willing to give up so soon? I need to toughen up... there is still a long way to go... i just started.

mandag 3. oktober 2011

Day 1

After trying to get pregnant for a year and a half we have finally been admitted to IVF treatment. This blog will be my online journal for the next months to document the journey we have ahead in search for our second child.

I will try to be as honest as in how i am experiencing the process. I'll share what treatment i am undergoing and how it affects me. My hope and my concerns. You are welcome to tag along. And if you will share your experience through comments they will be appreciated.

Off I go to take my first dose of nasal spray with hormones.